It is easy to put off making a Will. But if you die without one your assets may be distributed according to the law rather than your wishes. This could mean that your partner receives less, or that the money goes to family members who may not need it.
Making a Will – why it’s important
There are lots of good reasons for making a Will:-
Storage of Your Will
Remember, we can store your Will for you free of charge. You are of course free to retain your original Will but the majority of our clients prefer storage at our office. It is also a good idea to check the whereabouts of your previous Will. It may be held by a bank (who are charging you for storage?) or a previous firm of solicitors. You should write to them advising you have completed a new Will.
How to proceed
If you would like to make a Will then please contact us for an initial discussion. We will complete an initial questionnaire with you, either here at our office, or by post or e-mail, and we will then prepare the Will for your approval, possible amendment, and completion.
The Office
Golden Lion Yard
North Yorkshire
01969 625 526
or alternatively use our contact form
Bank Chambers
Main Street
North Yorkshire
01969 667 171
or alternatively use our contact form